$72 Cheap Car Rental in Alva, FL

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Frequently asked questions

What are the major attractions in Alva?
If your trip to Alva is all locked in but your itinerary is looking a little empty, we can give you a helping hand.W. P. Franklin North Campground is one sight that draws plenty of travelers like yourself. If you have some space on your travel schedule, squeeze in Hickey’s Creek Mitigation Park too.
What are the best road trip destinations near Alva?
We know you can’t wait to test out your new wheels. How about heading out on a day trip to South Naples and Marco Island Beaches? Just 50 miles away, roll down your windows and enjoy the wind in your hair on the drive there. Explore the area beginning with Tigertail Beach, Marco Beach and South Marco Beach. The locals are also likely to point you in the direction of Causeway Islands Beaches, 30 miles away. If you only have time for one thing here, let it be Sanibel Island Southern Beach. (But we’d also highly recommend Fishing Pier Fort Myers Beach and Sanibel Island Lighthouse.)
Where are the best convention centers near Alva?
Mingling and networking with lots of different people can be exhausting. So if you’re in Alva on a work-related trip, you’ll be pleased to hear that there are some terrific places to rest and relax near these top convention centers:

  • Lee Civic Center (7 miles away).
  • Harborside Event Center (15 miles away).

What kind of rental car should I get for Alva?
No other mode of transportation can offer you freedom and flexibility like your own car. Whatever the reason for your journey to Alva, CarRentals.com has a great selection of vehicles for you to choose from. Taking a city break with your beloved? Make things cozy by renting a mini or convertible. A pleasure to drive and a breeze to park, you’ll love sitting next to each other in one of these cute rides. A van is a good choice for big families. There’s enough space for everyone and you can venture where you want, whenever you want. If you’re on the road for work, a premium car will get you from meeting to meeting in comfort and style.
Should I get a luxury rental car in Alva?
Sometimes the journey is more significant than the destination, which makes your car choice important. If you’re planning an amazing road trip around Alva, a spacious SUV could be your perfect match. If you’d like the cheapest possible price and plan on sticking mostly to the city, a budget compact is a clever pick. All you need to do is choose what’ll suit you best, throw your bags in the trunk, and clock up those miles.
What side of the road do they drive on in Alva?
In Alva, you’ll have to keep on the right side. When traveling someplace new, it’s wise to choose a vehicle with automatic transmission. That way, you can focus on the road and save worrying about gear changes.
Is it difficult to park in Alva?
It’s relatively easy to find a car space in Alva, although it can be tricky to get a spot in the busier streets. Staying at a hotel that has on-site parking is always a smart idea.
Does Alva have peak-hour traffic?
Since the population of Alva is only 2,600, you shouldn’t encounter too much difficulty with traffic. That being said, major roads generally get busy in the rush hours before and after work, so you may want to avoid driving during these times.
Are there speed limits in Alva?
Speed limits vary across the city of Alva, but usually range from 10mph to 70mph. Most residential roads have a top speed of 30mph unless stated otherwise.
What happens if I get a speeding fine while driving a rental car in Lee County?
Most of the time, your rental car company will bill the amount stated on the fine to your credit card, including local surcharges and taxes. Or they may share your contact details with local law enforcement agencies, who’ll then send a fine straight to you.
Is it illegal to use a cell phone while driving in Alva?
As with many places, standard cell phone usage is prohibited while driving a car in Alva. However, an exception applies for hands-free or Bluetooth functions. Just be sure to maintain focus on the road.
What are the rules around drink driving in Alva?
When behind the wheel in Alva, it’s a criminal offence to have a BAC (blood alcohol content) higher than 0.08%. Planning to have a few beers with lunch or dinner? Consider using a ride-sharing service or taking a taxi.
Is turning on a red light allowed in Alva?
Road rules in Alva allow drivers at a red light to turn into the lane nearer to them, without having to wait for it to turn green. Before making the maneuver, the car must come to a complete stop and the driver must ensure the way is clear before proceeding.
Are seat belts compulsory in Lee County?
Subject to a few exceptions, seat belts must be worn when the vehicle is in motion in Lee County.

Car Rental Information

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Popular car types:
SUV, Full size, Economy & Standard