$92 Cheap Car Rental in Colquitt, GA

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* Price found within the past 60 days. Click for updated prices.

Frequently asked questions

What are the major attractions in Colquitt?
If your trip to Colquitt is all sorted out but your itinerary is looking a bit empty, let us give you a few hints and tips.There’s nothing like a little insider knowledge when it comes to attractions and experiences. Book a rental car with CarRentals.com, check in with the locals about what’s good and then step on the gas!
What are the best road trip destinations near Colquitt?
The greatest part about renting a car is that you can travel anywhere, anytime. Make full use of your newfound freedom by discovering all that there is to do in Dothan. It’s just 40 miles away. Among your first few stops here ought to be Wiregrass Commons Mall, Water World and Landmark Park. Don’t skip Marianna either! Just 40 miles away, Florida Caverns State Park, John Russ House and Indian Springs Golf Club are must-sees here.
What kind of rental car should I get for Colquitt?
With your own set of wheels, Colquitt is all yours to discover. People visit this delightful city for a wealth of reasons, and here at CarRentals.com we have a different car for each of them. A major priority for big families is space. Depending on the number of family members, that could mean anything from a full-size car to a van. Budget travelers love the fuel-efficiency of our smaller rentals, such as a mini or an economy. If you want to turn some heads in Colquitt, check out our special category for a vehicle that will make any car aficionado dizzy with excitement.
Should I get a luxury rental car in Colquitt?
There’s loads of choice when it comes to rental cars in Colquitt. From spacious SUVs with plenty of trunk space to agile compacts, you’ll find it all here. Choosing your ride depends on how much you want to spend and where you plan to go. There are some road trips that are just begging you to splurge on your dream ride, whereas other adventures don’t need anything more than enough space for your luggage and buddies. The choice is yours.
What side of the road do they drive on in Colquitt?
You’ll have to keep to the right while driving in Colquitt. Also, take a little extra care if it’s your first time on the road here. Once you’re used to how the locals drive, you can relax and enjoy the new scenery!
Is it difficult to park in Colquitt?
It’s relatively easy to find somewhere to park in Colquitt, though it can be tricky to score a spot in the busier areas. Booking a hotel that provides guests with on-site parking is always a smart idea.
Does Colquitt have peak-hour traffic?
One of the great things about visiting a smaller city is lighter traffic, so don’t stress too much about rush-hour gridlock. With a population of about 1,900, you can look forward to a smooth Colquitt driving experience.
Are there speed limits in Colquitt?
Speed limits vary in Colquitt, but typically range from 25mph to 70mph. Most residential zones have a maximum speed of 35mph unless stated otherwise.
What happens if I get a speeding fine while driving a rental car in Georgia?
Generally, your car rental company will charge the amount stated on the fine to your credit card. Alternatively, the company may supply your contact details to local law enforcement agencies so they can send a fine to you directly.
Is it illegal to use a cell phone while driving in Colquitt?
It is prohibited to use your cell phone while driving a car in Colquitt, and you could also be charged a fine for just holding your phone when you’re in control of a vehicle. That being said, the use of hands-free or Bluetooth functions is permitted, as long as you stay focused on the road.
What are the rules around drink driving in Colquitt?
When behind the wheel in Colquitt, it’s an offence to have a BAC (blood alcohol content) greater than 0.08%. Planning to have a few beers over lunch or dinner? Consider grabbing a taxi or using a ride-sharing service.
Is turning on a red light allowed in Colquitt?
Yes it is. But before doing so, you must bring the car to a complete stop and only move on if there’s no oncoming traffic.
Are seat belts compulsory in Georgia?
By law everyone must wear a seat belt. Although, there are a few exceptions for certain vehicles operated by public transportation systems.

Car Rental Information

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SUV, Full size, Economy & Standard