$20 Cheap Car Rental in Villas, FL

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Frequently asked questions

What are the major attractions in Villas?
If your trip to Villas is all locked in but your travel itinerary is looking a bit empty, let us give you a few hints and tips.Enjoy new adventures without having to travel far. You’ll find Bell Tower Shops and Barbara B Mann Hall not far from the heart of this neighborhood.
What are the best road trip destinations near Villas?
If you’d like to head out on a day trip, we have a few ideas. Why not head over and find out what’s going on in Cypress Lakes Estates or Cypress Lake? Both have plenty to do and a decent range of accommodations. Cypress Lakes Estates is 2 miles away, and Cypress Lake is 2 miles.
Where are the best beaches near Villas?
Nothing screams vacation like hopping in the car and driving to the coast. Villas has some incredible beaches nearby, so bring along your favorite book (and a kite if there’s a breeze) and head to one of these idyllic options:

  • Bunche Beach (8 miles away).
  • Causeway Islands Beaches (10 miles away).
  • Lover’s Key Beach (11 miles away).

Where are the best convention centers near Villas?
Heading off to Villas for work? After a long day of networking and socializing, you might find your stomach shouting out for food. Thankfully, these business and convention centers are close to some awesome restaurants and cafés:

  • Harborside Event Center (6 miles away).
  • Lee Civic Center (13 miles away).

What kind of rental car should I get for Villas?
Get set for a fun-filled adventure in Villas. Which car you decide on depends on the type of vacation you have in mind. If you’re traveling solo, why not opt for a compact or a mini? They’re great on gas and easy to park. If you’re hitting the road with a few friends, consider an intermediate or a standard car. They offer more legroom and space for everyone’s bags.
Should I get a luxury rental car in Villas?
There’s more than enough choice when it comes to rental cars in Villas. From spacious SUVs with plenty of trunk space to economy rides that are a snap to park, you’ll find it all here. Choosing your perfect match of course depends on your budget and what activities you’ve got planned. Some road trips are just begging you to splurge on your dream ride, whereas other adventures don’t need much more than a bargain, no-frills type model. Which will it be this time?
What side of the road do they drive on in Villas?
You’ll be cruising along the right side of the road in Villas. Even though it may seem similar to home, it’s a good idea to drive with a little extra care in destinations you’ve never been.
Does Villas have peak-hour traffic?
Peak-hour traffic jams aren’t a huge worry in Villas and the greater area of Fort Myers. With a population of 74,000, the roads aren’t as busy here as they are in bigger cities.
Is it difficult to park in Villas?
For the most part, finding a parking space in Villas isn’t a difficult task. If you’re heading to one of the more popular sights in town, it’s a smart idea to look at parking options before you set off.
Are there speed limits in Villas?
The speed limits in the neighborhood of Villas are like the rest of Fort Myers, ranging from 10mph to 70mph. To ensure the safety of both pedestrians and drivers, a maximum speed limit of 30mph applies to residential zones.
What happens if I get a speeding fine while driving a rental car in Fort Myers?
Most of the time, your chosen car rental company will bill the fined amount to your credit card, including local surcharges and taxes. Or they may supply your information to the relevant local authority, who’ll then send a fine straight to you.
Are seat belts compulsory in Fort Myers?
Seat belts should always be fastened in Fort Myers. That being said, the rule may differ for some vehicles, such as those operated by public transportation systems.
Is it illegal to use a cell phone while driving in Villas?
It’s prohibited to use your cell phone while driving around Villas, and you may also be charged a fine for just holding your phone when you’re in control of a vehicle. That said, the use of hands-free or Bluetooth functions is permitted, as long as you stay focused on the road.
What are the rules around drink driving in Villas?
While behind the wheel in Villas, it’s against the law to have a BAC (blood alcohol content) above 0.08%. Planning to have a couple of drinks while you’re out? Consider grabbing a taxi or using a ride-sharing service.
Is turning on a red light allowed in Villas?
Traffic laws in Villas permit drivers at a red light to turn into the direction of traffic closest to them, without waiting for a green signal. Before turning, the car must completely stop and the driver must be sure that the way is clear before continuing on.

Car Rental Information

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Popular car types:
SUV, Full size, Economy & Standard